Anyone who wants to exercise on a superyacht currently goes to the gym.
Bremen-based multiplex GmbH is now turning the foredeck into a work-out zone.
Anyone who wants to exercise on a superyacht currently goes to the gym.
Bremen-based multiplex GmbH is now turning the foredeck into a work-out zone.
Anyone who wants to exercise on a superyacht currently goes to the gym.
Bremen-based multiplex GmbH is now turning the foredeck into a work-out zone.
After several yachts are already on the road with the multiplex multiflap – including some of the world’s largest formats – the Bremen-based manufacturer is now offering an addition to this bestseller.
Anyone who wants to exercise on a superyacht currently goes to the gym.
Bremen-based multiplex GmbH is now turning the foredeck into a work-out zone.
Our quicklock lock pins made from titanium
The multiplex quicklock system is a crucial part of many multiplex products.